POLY-FOAM Suzhou 2023 Start Again

POLY-FOAM Suzhou 2023
Suzhou Hilton Hotel
November 29-30, 2023
Attend Conference Program
Foam Update联合Interfoam发泡材料展和Shincell申赛新材料欣然宣布,将于2023年11月29日至30日在苏州希尔顿酒店举办2023年聚合物发泡国际会议。随着环保意识的加强和优质生活的创新,持续推动了发泡材料向更高水平发展。在新冠肺炎疫情期间,敬业的技术研究人员和从业人员致力于有价值的开发并取得了长足的进步,现在是时候将大家聚在一起,面对面地讨论“解决方案”,以加强跨学科合作,及时为社会带来效益。
Foam Update along with Interfoam and Shincell New Materials are pleased to announce that the 2023 international Poly-Foam Conference will be held at Suzhou Hilton Hotel, November 29-30, 2023. As environmental awareness and innovation for quality living continue to drive foam to an ever-high level. During the coronavirus which dedicated technical researchers and practitioners had devoted themselves on valuable developments and made great strides forward, it is time to get together to review the “solutions” in a face-to-face conference to enhance cross-disciplinary collaboration to deliver the benefits to the society in a timely manner.
This conference will highlight foaming methodology out of plant-based materials using safe blowing agent, and innovative foam products for the semiconductor and sports shoes segments. In addition, an exhibition aera will be set up for the companies willing to show their latest developments in foam products and/or foaming technology. It is a great platform to net-work with suppliers and high-quality foam people to meet up the challenges for sustainable growth in the ever-competitive industry. It is our desire that through this conference a solid step is made in the transformation from 3P (past, present, and predictions) to 3P (persistence, prosperity, and perfect).
This conference also offers a one-day Expert Lecture on Nov. 28 at the same location. Four lectures will be focused on “R&D must catch up Customers’ expectation” to help the audience understand the real developmental path. This Conference will be valuable for the technical staff, application specialists, strategists, business decision-makers, and students in equipping, renewing and refreshing their passion for foam and beyond.